アローンバトル 死を従える女神/ALONE BATTLE -Goddess who obeys death-
The goddess stands with her hand on the head of a skull, ruled by death, and continues to stand covered in scars. The blindfolded man screams, his mouth is sealed and glares at him, and he escapes into the goddess's womb and quietly closes his eyes. The goddess is crying in her heart.
アローンバトル 死と組み合う男/ALONE BATTLE -A man grappling with death -
A man who firmly grapples with the skull that invites death rather than avoiding it. The figure that continues to stand covered in scars looks like it's being supported by a skull, and it also looks like it's being taken into its stomach. Is it possible to stand only by standing shoulder to shoulder with death? The man is crying in his heart.
アローンバトル 自我 #髑髏を濡らす#降りそそぐ#守護#対峙 91x80x12cm (F30号+w6.8cm) 2022
アローンバトル 女神 #目隠し#叫び#守護#孤高 91x80x12cm (F30号+w6.8cm) 2023
アローンバトル 髑髏 #君臨する者#口封じ#包み込む#対峙 91x80x10cm (F30号+w6.8cm) 2023
In this series, the theme is the lonely struggle between me and the goddess.Even if you shed tears in your heart, the will to continue standing full of scars.It simultaneously portrays the emotional image of being close to yourself while shedding tears, and the reality of standing still full of scars and enduring pain.I cry in my heart, but in reality, I hold onto death to keep myself alive, and I continue to stand full of scars.The skull only invites death, it seals my mouth and robs me of my will and words as I cry from the bottom of my heart.As the goddess screamed at me, she gently blindfolded me so as not to look at me in pain, crying in my heart and enduring the pain.It is a record of me, who was almost ruled by death, until I won the battle in solitude, and the scarred goddess statue that appeared when I overcame everything.
セブンデイズバトル 自我 #雨に隠れる#守護#一週間 167x48x10cm 2023
セブンデイズバトル 女神 #突き刺す涙#対決#一週間 167x48x14cm 2023
セブンデイズバトル 髑髏 #連動する涙#口封じ#一週間 167x48x10cm 2023
The seven heads depicted in this series represent one week. I repeat the days when I feel like I'm dead even though I'm alive, and the 7 days when nothing progresses in a roundabout way repeats ruthlessly. I'm drawing a negative loop that I couldn't get out of for about a year. A trilogy that records the battle between me, the skull, and the goddess. The tears I shed will rain down on me the next week, completely covering my face. It is dominated by the Skull, sometimes swallowed, sometimes sealed, and sometimes resists. The goddess neutralizes the deadly power of the skull, tramples it, and keeps standing even when the tears I shed pierce through my body. It is a record of the days when I was almost overwhelmed by death, wasting time on repeat, and the goddess statue pierced by my tears that appeared when I overcame everything.
人生(20歳の自画像)/Life(Self-portrait at 20 years old)
Self-portraits from 20 and 30 years ago. In the summer of his second year of taking the Tokyo University of the Arts entrance exam, he decided to pursue a career as a writer in a cheap hotel in India. It may sound like a hopeful decision, but it was a moment of heavy decision that I placed on myself. My determination to continue drawing as long as I live meant that if I didn't draw, I would be as good as dead, and I set a condition for my future self to live. Rather than aiming for social success as a painter, he devoted his life to expression, and was determined to continue painting until he died, even though he felt miserable. It depicts a time when he thoroughly faced himself, his ego overflowing throughout his body, and from the moment he made his decision he was seized by death.
人生(80歳の自画像)/Life(Self-portrait at 80 years old)
I painted it with the setting at the end of the curtain (the point at which I put down the brush). From the bottom, faces of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 years old are lined up. Around the age of 40, I didn't draw at all for two years because my top priority was caring for my mother, who was terminally ill with cancer, and after that I was devastated by the sadness of bereavement. After dying and recovering from the loss of my mother and subsequent depression, I am finally able to calm down and create. Now, at the age of 50, I am starting the second half of my life anew. I am stacking cardboard boxes over the rest of my life with the hope of building up my life as a artist so that my last work becomes a masterpiece. I want to continue evolving until the end without withering away.
連鎖 降りそそぐ記憶のかけら #記憶の断片#降りそそぐ#突き刺さる#あちこち 28x41x4cm 2022
連鎖 先導と後従 #先導と後従#ネガポジ#三位一体 28x41x4cm 2022
連鎖 光の狭間 #狭間に現れる実存#光と闇 28x41x4cm 2022
連鎖 連動と瓦解 #瓦解#連動#歯車#刻 28x41x4cm 2022
The skull, a symbol of death, and a self-portrait are juxtaposed to depict narcissism trapped in the hierarchy of the ego.A sad yet comical world where only your own life and death exist.The side-by-side eyes sometimes switch places and enter the eye sockets of the skull as if they had died.
サーキュレーション 順行 #順行#後退#刻 49.5x49.5x8cm 2023
Circulation Prograde #prograde #recession #time 49.5x49.5x8cm 2023
サーキュレーション 逆行 #逆行#前進#刻 49.5x49.5x8cm 2023
Circulation Retrograde #retrograde #advance #time 49.5x49.5x8cm 2023
In this series, I draw a repetition in the time axis where the skull and I appear and retreat.The cycle of living and dead days went back and forth between these two types of arrangements, offsetting the flow of time.
導きし者 #導きし者#閃光#刹那 30x30x4cm 2022
遡りし者 #遡りし者#秩序と混沌#タイムラグ 30x30x4cm 2022
The skull is a symbol of death, but paradoxically it is also a symbol of life.Incorporating graphical elements, I would like to develop the multifaceted expression of the skull.
ボトムオブザウォーター 脱我の呼吸 #脱我#呼吸#眠り#静寂#水底 30x30x4cm 2022
ボトムオブザウォーター 安息の呼吸 #安息#呼吸#眠り#静寂#水底 2021
ボトムオブザウォーター 静寂 #静寂#無我#瓦解#対決 30x30x4cm 2022
This series draws on my favorite ruins, old Buddhist statues and stone statues. Using the air bubbles generated by the thermal runaway that occurs when the transparent resin hardens, I draw a face with closed eyes that seems to be at peace at the bottom of the water. I am aiming for a calm work that can be said to be a return to the womb. I will continue to enjoy creating it as a series that will make you feel at ease when you decorate it.
惑い #惑い#偶発#崇拝#昇華 木炭、アクリル、ダンボール、樹脂 41x28x4cm 2022
After most of the painting disappeared due to thermal runaway bubbles, it was sublimated into a work with collage.There is a certain amount of intentional destruction in the production process, but there is nothing more terrifying than destruction beyond imagination.But there is reality.It is a work that has become a layer, all of the processes that have been regenerated in the hesitation of going through failure.I hope that I can continue to show the trajectory of moving forward while being confused.
醒めたまま #覚めたまま#封殺#自らに手向ける#永遠 木炭、アクリル、ダンボール、樹脂 41x28x4cm 2022
醒めたまま/Stay awake
Barren days like sitting in a coffin with your eyes open and offering flowers to yourself.I drew a woman's face, but it is my own appearance at the time of production.
傷や痛みに焦点を当て、破壊と創造の行程を経て輝きに転化する逆説的な強さや美しさを描いています。「RESIN 死と再生」シリーズは、ダンボールを支持体に、樹脂を含浸し硬化させた半立体作品です。制作工程は明確に4段階に分かれており、それぞれの工程に象徴的な意味を持たせています。積層ダンボールに絵を完成させ→ナイフで絵を傷付け→半立体に再構築→樹脂で硬化、という4工程は、誕生(二次元)→死→再生(三次元)→永続性の付与、を意味します。この神話的時系列を制作行為で辿る事は、完成への道程において必要不可欠なイニシエーション(通過儀礼)の役割を果たします。制作行為に象徴的意味を重ねる事で、より強く作品にイメージを刻もうと試みています。
Focusing on wounds and pain, she depicts the paradoxical strength and beauty that transforms into radiance through the process of destruction and creation. The "RESIN Death and Rebirth" series is a semi-3D work that uses cardboard as a support and is impregnated with resin and hardened. The production process is clearly divided into four stages, and each step has a symbolic meaning. The four steps of completing the picture on the laminated cardboard → scratching the picture with a knife → reconstructing it into a semi-solid shape → curing with resin mean birth (two-dimensional) → death → rebirth (three-dimensional) → imparting permanence. To do. Tracing this mythical timeline through the act of production serves as an essential initiation (rite of passage) on the path to completion. By adding symbolic meaning to the act of production, I am trying to carve a stronger image into my work.
The main characters that appear in the work include myself, a skull symbolizing death, and a goddess covered in scars. The story is written by layering the concept of time on top of that. This is an original mythical world that I, a non-religious person, draw with the main purpose of self-salvation. I work as if I were praying, hoping that the life beyond the wounds and pain would appear powerfully before my eyes.